Agreement between the Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics ("Journal") and
(insert the names of all authors here) ("Author(s)")
Title\ of\ Contribution ("Work"):
(insert the title of the article here)
- The Author hereby grants to the Journal a perpetual, unlimited, royalty-free license to publish and distribute the Work worldwide in electronic, paper, or any other form.
- The Author warrants that the Work is original, that it has not been published before in any form except as a preprint, and that it is not being concurrently submitted for publication in another journal.
- The Author retains the copyright to the Work, including the right to duplicate it by any means and to permit others to do the same. The Author agrees to acknowledge the original publication in this Journal in any subsequent distribution of the Work in the same or substantially the same form (including electronic publication on web pages).
- The Author warrants that all Authors are properly credited and that the Work does not libel anyone, infringe anyone's copyright, or otherwise violate anyone's statutory or common law rights.
- The Author warrants that he/she has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to grant the rights granted in this Agreement.
I accept the terms of this agreement.
(insert your name here)