OJAC is pleased to announce its transition to Combinatorial Press and its new website: https://combinatorialpress.com/ojac/. This move ensures a streamlined, accessible platform for publishing high-quality research on the interface of analysis and combinatorics. This website (https://hosted.rochester.edu/ojac/) will now serve as an archive. We invite readers, authors, and contributors to explore the new website and its enhanced features as we continue to support cutting-edge research entwining analysis and combinatorics.
Issue 18, 2023
- Starlikeness of Janowski spirallike functions in the unit disk
Faud Alsarari (pdf)
- Power compositions and semi-Pell compositions
William J. Keith and Augustine O. Munagi (pdf)
- Elementary proof of congruences involving trinomial coefficients for Babbage and Morley
Laid Elkhiri and Miloud Mihoubi (pdf)
- On two conjectures due to Sun
John M. Campbell (pdf)
- Notions of tensor rank
Mandar Juvekar and Arian Nadjimzadah (pdf)
- On higher partial derivatives of implicit functions and their combinatorics
Shaul Zemel (pdf)
- Shade in partitions
Aubrey Blecher, Arnold Knopfmacher, and Michael Mays (pdf)
Issue 17, 2022
- Densities of length spectral partitions of natural numbers
Benjamin Garcia Morales and Wai Yan Pong (pdf)
- Convolutions between Bernoulli/Euler polynomials and Pell/Lucas polynomials
Dongwei Guo and Wenchang Chu (pdf)
- Identities involving sum of divisors, integer partitions and compositions
Mateus Alegri (pdf)
- Symmetric and asymmetric peaks in compositions
Toufik Mansour, Andres R. Moreno, and José L. Ramírez (pdf)
- The VC-Dimension of a class of multiples of the primes and a connection to AdaBoost
Andrew M. Thomas (pdf)
- Infinite log-convexity
Tewodros Amdeberhan and Victor H. Moll (pdf)
Issue 16, 2021
- On the c-dominating Estrada index of a graph
Akbar Jahanbani and Hajar Shooshtari (pdf)
- The inner site-perimeter of bargraphs
Aubrey Blecher, Charlotte Brennan, and Arnold Knopfmacher (pdf)
- Proof of some combinatorial identities by an analytic method
Sung Sik U and Kyu Song Chae (pdf)
- Germ order for one-dimensional packings
Aaron Abrams, Henry Landau, Zeph Landau, Jamie Pommersheim, James Propp, and Alexander Russell (pdf)
- On the r-derangements of type B
István Mező, Victor H. Moll, José Ramírez, and Diego Villamizar (pdf)
- Subspaces of tensors with high analytic rank
Jop Briët (pdf)
- A new class of symmetric functions of binary products of tribonacci numbers and other well-known numbers
Mourad Chelgham, Ali Boussayoud, and Kasi Viswanadh V. Kanuri (pdf)
- Sum-free sets which are closed under multiplicative inverses
Katherine Benjamin (pdf)
- A combinatorial characterization of the generalized exponential and Fubini polynomials
Emanuele Munarini (pdf)
- On polynomials associated to product and composition of generating functions
Mouloud Goubi (pdf)
- Additive features of determinant values over p-adic rings
Ben Lichtin (pdf)
Issue 15, 2020
- The coset and stability rings
Tom Sanders (pdf)
- On some polynomials applied to the theory of hyperbolic differential equations
Miloud Mihoubi and Madjid Sahari (pdf)
- Some domination properties of the total graph of a module with respect to singular submodule
Jituparna Goswami (pdf)
- A framework for constructing sets without configurations
Robert Fraser (pdf)
- Convolution conditions for the q-analogue classes of Janowski functions
Hamid Shamsan and S. Latha (pdf)
- Some large polyominoes' perimeter: a stochastic analysis
Guy Louchard (pdf)
- The binomial coefficient C(n,x) for arbitrary x
Stuart T. Smith (pdf)
- Protected vertices in Motzkin trees
Anthony Van Duzer (pdf)
- The polygonal cylinder and its Hosoya polynomial
Abdul Rauf Nizami, Asim Naseem, and Hafiz Muhammad Waqar Ahmed (pdf)
- Limit shapes of stable and recurrent configurations of a generalized Bulgarian solitaire
Kimmo Eriksson, Markus Jonsson, and Jonas Sjöstrand (pdf)
- New insight into results of Ostrowksi and Lang on sums of remainders using Farey sequences
Matthias Kunik (pdf)
- Vertex-degree based eccentric topological descriptors of zero divisor graphs of finite commutative rings
Ali Ahmad (pdf)
- Hub edge-integrity of graphs
Sultan Senan Mahde and Veena Mathad (pdf)
- Generalized Fibonacci-Pell hybrinomials
Anetta Szynal-Liana and Iwona Włoch (pdf)
- The Hosoya polynomial, Wiener index, and Hyper-Wiener index of Jahangir Graph J8,m
Ramy Shaheen, Suhail Mahfud, and Qays Alhawat (pdf)
Issue 14, 2019
- Diophantine equations for analytic functions
Safoura Zadeh (pdf)
- The block energy of a graph
B. Sharada, Mohammad Issa Sowaity, and Ahmed M. Naji (pdf)
- On some identities and generating functions for k-Pell sequences and Chebychev polynomials
Ali Boussayoud and Souhilas Boughaba (pdf)
- A continuous analogue of lattice path enumeration: Part II
Tanay Wakhare and Christophe Vignat (pdf)
- On cyclic orthogonal double cover of circulant graphs by the disjoint union of coronas
R. El-Shanawany (pdf)
- Callan-like identities
Emanuele Munarini (pdf)
- Edge hub number in graphs
Shadi Ibrahim Khalaf, Veena Mathad, and Sultan Senan Mahde (pdf)
- Approximating real-rooted and stable polynomials, with combinatorial applications
Alexander Barvinok (pdf)
- Log-concavity of two sequences related to Cauchy numbers of two kinds
Rui-Li Liu and Feng-Zhen Zhao (pdf)
- On mutually orthogonal certain graph squares
R. El-Shanawany and Ahmed Al-Mesady (pdf)
Issue 13, 2018
- Approximate homomorphisms between the Boolean cube and groups of prime order
Tom Sanders (pdf)
- Enumerating symmetric and non-symmetric peaks in words
Walaa Asakly (pdf)
- Zeta series generating function transformations related to generalized Stirling numbers and partial sums of the Hurwitz zeta function
Maxie D. Schmidt (pdf)
- Several explicit formula of sums and hyper-sums of powers of integers
Fouad Bounebirat, Diffalah Laissaoui, and Mourad Rahmani (pdf)
- Pattern occurrence statistics and applications to the Ramsey theory of unavoidable patterns
Jim Tao (pdf)
- The water capacity of integer compositions
Aubrey Blecher, Charlotte Brennan, and Arnold Knopfmacher (pdf)
- Multisection method for Apéry-like series
Wenchang Chu and Flavia Lucia Esposito (pdf)
Issue 12, 2017
- On some identities and generating functions for Pell-Lucas numbers
Ali Boussayoud (pdf)
- Zeta series generating function transformations related to polylogarithm functions and the k-order harmonic numbers
Maxie D. Schmidt (pdf)
- On the lower bound of the discrepancy of (t,s)-sequences: II
Mordechay B. Levin (pdf)
- On the number of dot products determined by a large set and one of its translates in finite fields
Giorgis Petridis (pdf)
- Four variants of the Fourier-analytic transference principle
Sean Prendiville (pdf)
- Walls in bargraphs
Aubrey Blecher, Charlotte Brennan, and Arnold Knopfmacher (pdf)
- A q-symmetric algorithm and its applications to some combinatorial sequences
Istvan Mező and José Ramírez (pdf)
- The asymptotic number of simple singular vector tuples of a cubical tensor
Jay Pantone (pdf)
- Inverse-conjugate compositions into parts of size at most k
Yu-Hong Guo and Augustine O. Munagi (pdf)
- Number of singletons in involutions of large size: a central range and large deviation analysis
Guy Louchard (pdf)
- A note on a sumset in Z2k
Octavio A. Agustín-Aquino (pdf)
Expository-research papers
- Irreducible factors of the q-Lah numbers over Z
Qing Zou (pdf)
Issue 11, 2016
- An arithmetic analogue of Fox's triangle removal argument
Pooya Hatami, Sushant Sachdeva, and Madhur Tulsani (pdf)
- Combinatorial analysis of integer power product expansions
H. Gingold and Jocelyn Quaintance (pdf)
- A relative Roth theorem in dense subsets of sparse pseudorandom fractals
Marc Carnovale (pdf)
- Note on packing patterns in colored permutations
Matthew Just and Hua Wang (pdf)
- Mixed r-Stirling numbers of the second kind
Daniel Yaqubi, Madjid Mirzavaziri, and Yasin Saeednezhad (pdf)
- Representing random permutations as the product of two involutions
Charles Burnette and Eric Schmutz (pdf)
- Counting staircases in integer compositions
Aubrey Blecher and Toufik Mansour (pdf)
Expository-research papers
- Trigonometric formulae via telescoping method
Wenchang Chu (pdf)
Issue 10, 2015
- Asymptotics of the Eulerian numbers revisited: A large deviation analysis
Guy Louchard (pdf)
- Note on the coefficients of rational Ehrhart quasi-polynomials of Minkowski-sums
Martin Henk and Eva Link (pdf)
- On rapid generation of SL2(Zq)
Jeremy Chapman and Adriano Marzullo (pdf)
- Six proofs for an identity of the Lah numbers
Bai-Ni Guo and Feng Qi (pdf)
- Enumeration rises according to parity in compositions
Walaa Asakly and Toufik Mansour (pdf)
Expository-research papers
- Squaring and not squaring one or more planes
Frederick V. Henle and James M. Henle (pdf)
Issue 9, 2014
- Sum of positions of records in random permutations: asymptotic analysis
Guy Louchard (pdf)
- Enumerating graph depletions
Byron C. Jaeger and Thomas M. Lewis (pdf)
- Counting pairs of words according to the number of common rises, levels, and descents
Toufik Mansour and Mark Shattuck (pdf)
- On computational complexity of plan curve invariants
Fedor Duzhin and Biaoshuai Tao (pdf)
- Recurrence and non-uniformity of bracket polynomials
Matthew C. H. Tointon (pdf)
- The expected shape of random doubly alternating Baxter permutations
Theodore Dokos and Igor Pak (pdf)
- Multiple isolation of nodes in recursive trees
Markus F. Kuba and Alois Panholzer (pdf)
Issue 8, 2013
- A probabalistic interpretation of a sequence related to Narayana polynomials
Tewodros Amdeberhan, Victor H. Moll, and Christophe Vignat (pdf)
- Generalization of a statistic on linear domino arrangements
Toufik Mansour and Mark Shattuck (pdf)
- Some properties of cyclic flats of an infinite matroid
Hua Mao (pdf)
- Lattice point counting and height bounds over number fields and quaternion algebras
Lenny Fukshansky and Glenn Henshaw (pdf)
- Euler-Frobenius numbers and rounding
Svante Janson (pdf)
- Ergodic-theoretic implementations of the Roth density-increment argument
Tim Austin (pdf)
Issue 7, 2012
- Restricted arithmetic progressions over finite fields
Brian Cook and Ákos Magyar (pdf)
- Asymptotic probability distribution of some permutation statistics for the wreath product

Chak-On Chow and Toufik Mansour (pdf)
- Counting fixed-length permutation patterns
Cheyne Homberger (pdf)
Issue 6, 2011
- Automatic asymptotics for coefficients of smooth, bivariate rational functions
Tim DeVries, Joris van der Hoeven, and Robin Pemantle (pdf)
- Centrosymmetric words avoiding 3-letter permutation patterns
Luca S. Ferrari (pdf)
- Enumerating finite set partitions according to the number of connectors
Toufik Mansour and Mark Shattuck (pdf)
- Asymptotics of coefficients of multivariate generating functions: improvements for multiple points
Alexander Raichev and Mark C. Wilson (pdf)
- Some properties of a new class of generalized Cauchy numbers
Feng-Zhen Zhao (pdf)
Issue 5, 2010
- Adelic constructions of low descrepancy sequences
Mordechay B. Levin (pdf)
- Some implications of Chu's 10ψ10 extension of Bailey's 6ψ6 formula
James McLaughlin, Andrew V. Sills, and Peter Zimmer (pdf)
- Popular difference sets
Tom Sanders (pdf)
- On a theorem of Shkredov
Tom Sanders (pdf)
- On Fuglede's conjecture for three intervals
Debashish Bose, C. P. Anil Kumar, R. Krishan, Shobha Madan (pdf)
- Polynomial largeness of sumsets and totally ergodic sets
Alexander Fish (pdf)
- Statistics on permutations
Toufik Mansour, Yidong Sun (pdf)
- Geometric construction of metaplectic covers of GLn in characteristic zero
Richard Hill (pdf)
Issue 4, 2009
- Analytic Extension of Hyperharmonic Numbers
István Mezö (pdf)
- The asymptotic volume of the Birkhoff polytope
E. Rodney Canfield and Brendan D. McKay (pdf)
- Avoiding permutation patterns of type (2,1) in compositions
Sylvia Heubach, Toufik Mansour and Augustine O. Munagi (pdf)
- On sumsets of dissociated sets
Shkredov I.D. (pdf)
- Hankel operators plus orthogonal polynomials yield combinatorial identities
E. A. Herman (pdf)
- On the average profile of symmetric digital search trees
Charles Knessl and Wojciech Szpankowski (pdf)
- Integral orthogonal bases of small height for real polynomial spaces
Lenny Fukshansky (pdf)
Issue 3, 2008
- Slices, Slabs, and Sections of the Unit Hypercube
Jean-Luc Marichal and Michael J. Mossinghoff (pdf • ps)
- An Elementary Proof of Thomae’s Formulae
Amichai Eisenmann and Hershel M. Farkas (pdf • ps)
- Garaev’s Inequality in Finite Fields not of Prime Order
Nets Hawk Katz and Chun-Yen Shen (pdf • ps)
- An Extension of Behrend’s Theorem
Paul H. Koester (pdf • ps)
- Longest Alternating Subsequences in Pattern-Restricted k-ary Words
Toufik Mansour (pdf • ps)
- On the Signed Small Ball Inequality
Dmitriy Bilyk, Michael Lacey and Armen Vagharshakyan (pdf • ps)
- The Discrepancy of a Needle on a Checkerboard
Mihail N. Kolountzakis (pdf • ps)
Issue 2, 2007
- On a Balanced Property of Compositions
Miklós Bóna (pdf • ps • dvi)
- On an Argument of Shkredov on Two-Dimensional Corners
Michael T. Lacey and William McClain (pdf • ps • dvi)
- On the recursion relation of Motzkin numbers of higher rank
Matthias Schork (pdf • ps • dvi)
- Combinatorial sequences arising from a rational integral
Victor H. Moll (pdf • ps • dvi)
- New combinatorial interpretations of some mock theta functions
A.K. Agarwal (pdf • ps •dvi)
- On the Decay of the Fourier Transform and Three Term Arithmetic Progressions
Ernie Croot (pdf • ps • dvi)
Issue 1, 2006
- Sums of Squares and Triangular Numbers
Hershel M. Farkas (pdf • ps • dvi)
- Fixed Points of Maps on the Space of Rational Functions
Edward Mosteig (pdf • ps • dvi)
- A remark on Bourgain's distributional inequality on the Fourier spectrum of Boolean functions
Hamed Hatami (pdf • ps • dvi)
- On the determination of sets by their triple correlation in finite cyclic groups
Tamàs Keleti and Mihail N. Kolountzakis (pdf • ps • dvi)
- Lebesgue Constants of Multiple Fourier Series
E.R. Liflyand (pdf • ps • dvi)
Copyright 2006 Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics. All rights reserved. ISSN 1931-3365